The 2024 Caribbean Hospitality Financing Survey report is here!
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Data and analytics

Data enabled transformation

Increasingly, the use of data and analytics (D&A) is becoming critical to daily decision making for governments and businesses. It is no longer a ‘nice to have’ optional function within an organization, but rather a ‘must have’ to ensure the best informed decisions can be made, and businesses retain or improve their competitive position.

Simply converting paper data to digital form is not enough. It merely converts “big paper data” to “big digital data”. Strategic analysis is then critical to determine what data is important to an organization. This is where Baker Tilly comes in.

Baker Tilly TCI has extensive experience of applying D&A to deliver strategic, clear and actionable insights for its clients with particular expertise in the travel, leisure and tourism ("TLT") space.

Key contact
Photo of Gary Brough
Gary Brough
Managing Director